Chapter 1 General Provisions
Article 1(Purpose)
The purpose of these terms and conditions is to define the rights, obligations, and responsibilities between members and the center in using internet-related services (hereinafter referred to as "services") provided by OOO (hereinafter referred to as the "Center") through the website operated by the Center.
Article 2(Effectiveness and Application of the Terms)
1. These terms and conditions take effect by being posted on the Center's website or by other means of notification to members.
2. The Center has established these terms in compliance with the Act on the Regulation of Terms, the Basic Telecommunications Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc., and other relevant laws, and may amend the terms within the scope of these related laws if necessary.
If the Center amends the terms, it will specify the effective date and reasons for the amendment and notify the members by posting the current terms and the amended terms on the homepage's initial screen from 7 days before the effective date to the day before the effective date. If a member does not agree to the amended terms, they can request termination according to the procedure set by the Center, and if the member continues to use the services after the effective date of the amended terms, it is deemed that the member agrees to the changes in the terms.
The amended terms apply only to contracts concluded after the effective date, and the previous terms apply to contracts already concluded before the effective date. However, if a member who has already concluded a contract expresses a wish to apply the amended terms within the notice period of the amended terms and the Center agrees, the amended terms will apply.
Article 3(Rules Outside the Terms)
Matters not specified in these terms and the interpretation of these terms shall follow the relevant laws and practices established by the government.
Article 4(Definition of Terms)
The definitions of terms used in these terms are as follows ① User: A person who accesses the Center's website and receives free services according to these terms. ② Registration: The act of filling out the membership application form provided by the Center, agreeing to these terms, and completing the service use contract. ③ Member: A user who has entered into a service use contract with the Center. ④ ID: A combination of letters and numbers selected by the member and approved by the Center for member identification and service use. ⑤ Password: A combination of letters and numbers set by the member to verify the member's identity and protect the member's personal information. ⑥ Termination: The act of a member ending the use contract.
2. The definitions of terms used in these terms, except those specified in paragraph 1, shall follow the definitions in related laws and service-specific guides.
Chapter 2 Service Use Contract
Article 5(Establishment of the Use Contract)
1. The use contract is established with the member's consent to these terms and the Center's acceptance of the use application.
2. Consent to these terms is indicated by reading these terms at the time of registration and checking "I agree to the terms of service" and clicking the "Agree" button.
Article 6(Service Use Application)
1. Those who wish to use the services by becoming a member must fill out the required information in the membership application form provided by the Center.
2. All member information entered in the online membership application form is considered actual data, and users who do not enter their real name or actual information cannot receive legal protection and may be restricted from using the services.
Article 7(Acceptance of Use Application)
1. The Center will accept the use application in the order of receipt, unless there are special circumstances.
2. The Center may limit or defer acceptance of the use application in the following cases. ① If there is no available capacity in the service-related facilities ② If there are technical issues ③ If it is deemed necessary for other reasons
3. The Center may not accept the use application in the following cases. ① If the application is not made under the applicant's real name ② If the application is made using someone else's name ③ If the application contains false information, omissions, or errors ④ If the application is made for the purpose of disrupting public order or morals ⑤ If the application does not meet the use application requirements set by the Center
4. If the acceptance of the use application is deferred or not accepted according to paragraphs 2 or 3, the Center will notify the applicant. However, if it is impossible to notify the applicant, an exception is made.
5. The timing of the establishment of the use contract is when the acceptance from the Center reaches the member.
Article 8(Changes to Contract Details)
1. Members can view and modify their personal information at any time through the member information management provided by the Center.
2. If the details entered at the time of the use application change, the member must modify them online, and the responsibility for problems arising from unmodified user information lies with the member.
Article 9(Protection of Personal Information)
1. The Center makes efforts to protect members' personal information, including registration information, as prescribed by relevant laws. The protection and use of personal information are governed by relevant laws and the Center's privacy policy. However, the privacy policy does not apply to linked sites outside the Center's official site, and the Center is not responsible for information exposed due to the member's fault.
2. The Center may provide and share members' personal information with affiliates to improve the quantity and quality of services, and in such cases, the Center must obtain the member's consent and specify the minimum necessary information, who it is shared with, and for what purpose.
3. Members can withdraw their consent to the collection and use of personal information provided to the Center at any time, and the withdrawal of consent is done by canceling the membership registration.
Chapter 3 Obligations of the Contracting Parties
Article 10(Obligations of the Center)
1. The Center must make its best efforts to provide continuous and stable services as specified in these terms, without engaging in acts prohibited by law or contrary to public morals.
2. The Center must establish a security system for protecting members' personal information to ensure safe use of the services and must comply with and disclose its privacy policy.
Article 11(Obligations of Members)
1. Members must comply with these terms, other regulations set by the Center, service use guides, notices, and relevant laws and must not engage in acts that interfere with the Center's business or damage its reputation.
2. Except for cases where the Center is liable according to relevant laws and the privacy policy, members are responsible for all results arising from the following negligence or misuse of their member ID management. ① If a member informs a third party of their ID and password ② If a member does not take action despite knowing that their ID and password are being misused by a third party ③ If any errors or misuse occur due to the ID and password registered by the member
3. Members cannot engage in business activities using the services without prior approval from the Center, and the Center is not responsible for any losses arising from members engaging in transactions of goods or services using the services. If such business activities cause damage to the Center, the member is liable for damages, and the Center can restrict the member's service use and claim damages through legal procedures.
4. Members cannot transfer or assign their service usage rights or other contractual status to others without the explicit consent of the Center, nor can they provide them as collateral.
5. Members must not engage in any of the acts specified in Article 20, paragraph 1, while using the services.
6. Members must provide real and accurate information when applying for membership or changing member information, and cannot claim any rights if they register false or others' information.
7. Members must promptly notify the Center of any changes in contract information such as address, contact details, and email address.
8. Members must not infringe on the intellectual property rights of the Center or third parties.
9. Members must not engage in any of the following acts, and if they do, the Center can restrict service use and take appropriate measures, including legal action. ① Registering false information when applying for membership or changing member information ② Using another user's ID, password, or resident registration number ③ Trading user IDs ④ Impersonating the Center's staff, employees, or related persons ⑤ Modifying the Center's client programs without special rights granted by the Center, hacking the Center's servers, or arbitrarily changing all or part of the posted information ⑥ Engaging in acts that harm or intentionally interfere with the services ⑦ Reproducing or providing information obtained through the services for purposes other than service use without the Center's prior consent ⑧ Transmitting, posting, emailing, or otherwise disseminating content that infringes the copyright or other intellectual property rights of the Center or third parties ⑨ Transmitting, posting, emailing, or otherwise disseminating obscene, indecent, or public order-violating content ⑩ Transmitting, posting, emailing, or otherwise disseminating content that can infringe on others' honor or privacy ⑪ Harassing, threatening, or causing discomfort to other users or continuously causing inconvenience to specific users ⑫ Collecting or storing other users' personal information without approval from the Center ⑬ Engaging in objectively criminal acts ⑭ Violating other regulations set by the Center or other service conditions ⑮ Engaging in any act that violates relevant laws
Chapter 4 Service Use
Article 12(Provision and Changes to Services)
1. If the service content changes, the Center must notify the members by specifying the reason and the content of the change, and provide information about the changed service on the homepage's initial screen.
2. The Center is not responsible for any damages to members arising from the modification of the provided services.
Article 13(Service Hours)
1. The Center provides the service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, unless there are special operational or technical difficulties. However, the Center can set service hours separately for certain services, and in such cases, the Center must notify the members in advance.
2. The Center can temporarily suspend the service for operational or technical reasons without prior notice, and in such cases, the Center is not liable for any damages to the members.
Article 14(Suspension of Services)
1. he Center can temporarily suspend the services if maintenance, replacement, breakdown, or communication interruption of information and communication facilities such as computers occur. In such cases, the Center must notify the members beforehand. However, if there is an unavoidable reason, the Center can notify the members afterward.
2. The Center can restrict or suspend all or part of the services if. ① There is an unavoidable reason such as an emergency ② A member violates the service use conditions set by the Center
3. If the service is interrupted according to the previous paragraph, the Center is not responsible for any damages to the members, except in cases where the Center is legally liable.
Article 15(Service Fees)
1. The services provided by the Center are in principle free. However, the Center can charge fees for certain services, and in such cases, the Center must notify the members of the service fees and payment method in advance.
Chapter 5 Contract Termination and Restriction of Use
Article 16(Contract Termination and Restriction of Use)
1. If a member wishes to terminate the use contract, the member must apply for termination according to the procedure set by the Center.
2. If a member violates the obligations specified in these terms or disrupts the service operation, the Center can restrict the member's service use, cancel the contract, or restrict service use.
3. If the Center restricts service use, the Center must notify the member of the reason, restriction period, and procedure for raising objections.
Chapter 6 Compensation for Damages and Dispute Resolution
Article 17(Compensation for Damages)
If a member causes damages to the Center by violating these terms or engaging in illegal activities, the member is liable for compensating the Center for the damages.
Article 18(Exemption Clause)
1. The Center is not responsible for the inability to provide services due to natural disasters, wars, power outages, or other force majeure events.
2. The Center is not responsible for service interruptions caused by the member's fault.
3. The Center is not responsible for the reliability, accuracy, or content of information, materials, or facts posted by members on the website.
4. The Center is not responsible for damages arising from transactions of goods or services between members or between a member and a third party through the services.
5. The Center is not responsible for any other damages to members unless the Center is legally liable.
Article 19(Dispute Resolution)
1. The Center and members must make their best efforts to resolve any disputes arising from service use amicably.
2. If a lawsuit is filed despite the efforts of paragraph 1, the court having jurisdiction over the Center's headquarters shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
제24조(재판권 및 준거법)
센터와 회원 간에 서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기될 경우, 센터 소재지를 관할하는 법원을 전속 관할법원으로 합니다.
Chapter 7 Miscellaneous Provisions
Article 20(Intellectual Property Rights)
1. All copyrights and other intellectual property rights related to the services are owned by the Center.
2. Members cannot reproduce, transmit, publish, distribute, broadcast, or otherwise use the information obtained through the services provided by the Center without prior consent.
Article 21(Transfer of Rights and Obligations)
Members cannot transfer or assign their rights or obligations under these terms to others without the prior consent of the Center.Members cannot transfer or assign their rights or obligations under these terms to others without the prior consent of the Center.
Article 22(Governing Law and Jurisdiction)
These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea. If a dispute arises between the Center and members, the competent court under the Civil Procedure Act will be the court with jurisdiction.
Article 23(Interpretation of Terms)
Matters not specified in these terms and the interpretation of these terms shall follow the relevant laws and practices established by the government.
These terms and conditions were enacted on January 1, 2024.